Testimonials Page
“The most data-driven assessment of student work potential, strengths and needs currently available for IEP development and transition planning.”
Laura Ramirez, School Psychologist
William S Hart Unified School District, Santa Clarita, CA
I believe that data like this will enable us to assist our students in getting where they need to go in the most efficient, straightforward pathway that is highly individualized and the most meaningful to them.
- Donna Olmstead, Principal at Benjamin Banneker Special Education School
We are thrilled with the new changes and believe that they greatly strengthen the core of PAES, which is to provide student data-driven results that will enhance our ability to plan for the future of our students.
-Wayne Foglesong, Principal at Miler Career and Transition Center
You’ve made my job much easier and produced something that has the potential of improving the life for our disabled students - our ultimate goal.
-Robert Downs, Teacher at Diane S. Leichman High School
Thank you so much for your development of the new PAES-Scan Software; it puts real meaning and purpose to all the time and work by students and staff in the PAES lab.
-Pauline Furman, Principal Diane S. Leichman High School