Visualize & Validate Data



The PAES Scan App provides an automated solution for Supervisors to assign jobs and record scores in real time, without the need for data entry outside of class time. It creates a nearly paperless environment and drastically reduces errors, planning time, and PAES lab setup.


Lab Management Made Easier

save hours of staff time & reduce errors

The app facilitates and streamlines all the supervisor’s important tasks (assigning jobs, scoring, managing daily points, + more)

real time results

PAES Scan 2.0 walks Supervisors through their work procedure and collects scoring data as they interact with Employees.

simplified scoring

Guides Supervisor through the scoring processes with prompts for what scores need to be entered and when - scores that don’t fit (such as not enough trials) will be rejected.

Each student has a scan-able QR code that will take the supervisor to exactly where the student is in the work procedure process.  Any authorized supervisor in the lab with a tablet is able to pull up a student’s profile. Perfect for larger labs who have more than one supervisor at a time.

Eliminates the need for much of the paper forms, booklets, guides and manuals to shuffle and keep track of.

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Enhanced Summary of Performance Reports

Easy to interpret + presented in simple graphs & tables

Capitalizing on previous PAES software versions, which offered good summary reports, the PAES Scan reports are more comprehensive and much easier for teachers to interpret and explain to parents, and other members of the students’ support team.

The PAES Scan 2.0 enhanced Summary of Performance Reports will continue to include bar graphs as well as colors, and other features that contribute to making assessment results easier to understand.

No more paper forms or booklets required

Scoring rules and prompts are provided in the App at the point of recording scores. While recording scores for a particular job, Supervisors can access its setup, scoring and disassembly instructions from the tablet

Ultimately, the PAES Scan 2.0 app makes the PAES Lab significantly better at discovering students’ true potential by streamlining all aspects of the lab which leads to more accurate and standardized results.

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Our Commitment to Student Data Privacy

Data privacy is an ever increasing concern for everyone, but most importantly, for students. Here is how we approach it with PAES Scan. Our full Privacy Policy is at the end of this page.

  • Students do not use the app: First of all, most data privacy issues center around the Student's use of a software application. Students do not use our App, other than to scan their badge to "clock in". The App is primarily for the Teacher's use.

  • Only the student's “Employee name” and Employee ID are required. Both of these fields can be set as aliases to further protect privacy. Any other personal data is optional: We collect very little in the way of personal Student data, which is what data privacy is about. Most of what we collect are scores. The only data that we require for each Student/Employee is their Name and Employee ID, which can be set as aliases if complete data privacy is required. Each Employee has an Avatar, which is recognizable to them and the Teacher. The rest is up to the Teacher/School to include or not, since its intended purpose is simply to enhance the usefulness of the Application.

  • Schools are responsible for adhering to their specific rights and requirements: Our legal arrangement/relationship is with The School/District. The School is responsible for knowing and adhering to their agreements with parents, local privacy laws and policies for student data. By using our Application, Schools agree to our Terms of Use, which prohibit schools from including data that they do not have the legal right to include. So, for instance, a school should only upload student photos to their profile if photo permission forms signed by parents allow it.

  • We go an extra step to keep physical data private: Meanwhile, the QR Codes that are generated for students (which appear on Work Folders and/or badges or other forms that the Teacher creates) help preserve the Student's privacy both within and outside of the electronic environment. The QR code labels only contain the student's First Name and Student ID, so the student's hard copies of work assignments and scores do not include personally identifiable information.
